Monday, December 10, 2012

class videos

1. Evidence of Extreme Climate

2. Obama and climate

3. Hansen on extreme climate

4. Extreme Weather and climate change

5. Extreme Weather and climate change

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Turning notes into sentences for essay

Reasons why corporations will not succeed in the next ten years

right to develop argument - while we could argue that the countries who want clean development will fail because they lack the power to force rich countries to give them money, we could also argue that they will succeed. why? because they may find a way to work collectively together. we can see this in the conferences that the video shows (find name of video and discuss it here). these conferences keep bringing different groups of people together, and united they will have more power because they will be able to speak with a united voice.

another reason, along these same lines: as natural disasters hit the rich northern countries harder, people there will feel more for those suffering in the global south. they will be able to compare experiences, and this overlap will create bonds of sympathy.

another reason? - the countries of the global south may begin to take their claims to the international criminal court or the united nations - .... they will bring the "climate debt" argument to these big global bodies and make headlines as they do so. this will grab people's attention, and legal people won't be able to defend the reasons why polluting countries should not pay off the countries of the global south.

another reason: the countries of the global south may go on some kind of "resource strike" like the 1973 oil embargo by middle east countries against the US. that is, they might stop selling valuable resources like oil, or minerals such as lithium, and thereby create demand in the rich countries for these products.

Reasons why corporations WILL succeed in the next ten years

in a world where economic growth is occurring very slowly, the people of the rich countries will not want to give money to people in the developing countries. they will instead complain about a lack of jobs and how much education costs. if this climate debt argument had happened before the 2008 crisis, maybe there would have been more money around.

racism: the people with the most money in the global north are still generally racist towards people in other countries who are non-white. they do not see these people as fellow human beings in large enough numbers to justify giving them all the money necessary for climate change.

media: Americans see very little of the rest of the world. most americans don't travel. most americans don't know another language. they simply are ignorant of what's happening in the global south. the media purposely doesn't allow americans to see what's happening in other parts of the world, where people are affected by climate disasters.

lack of artist and celebrity attention: people in the global north worship money, not talent. the number of artists and musicians and athletes who care about these issues is very small. americans don't see their "heroes" caring about any of these issues -- so why should they?

selfish leaders - as we see with "disaster capitalism," many people in leadership positions in the global north are in it for the money and for short-term profit. even if people did unite together and demand payments for climate debt, the leaders wont' allow it because they have the most to lose, since they hold the cards to wealth and power in the culture.

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