Monday, December 10, 2012

class videos

1. Evidence of Extreme Climate

2. Obama and climate

3. Hansen on extreme climate

4. Extreme Weather and climate change

5. Extreme Weather and climate change

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Turning notes into sentences for essay

Reasons why corporations will not succeed in the next ten years

right to develop argument - while we could argue that the countries who want clean development will fail because they lack the power to force rich countries to give them money, we could also argue that they will succeed. why? because they may find a way to work collectively together. we can see this in the conferences that the video shows (find name of video and discuss it here). these conferences keep bringing different groups of people together, and united they will have more power because they will be able to speak with a united voice.

another reason, along these same lines: as natural disasters hit the rich northern countries harder, people there will feel more for those suffering in the global south. they will be able to compare experiences, and this overlap will create bonds of sympathy.

another reason? - the countries of the global south may begin to take their claims to the international criminal court or the united nations - .... they will bring the "climate debt" argument to these big global bodies and make headlines as they do so. this will grab people's attention, and legal people won't be able to defend the reasons why polluting countries should not pay off the countries of the global south.

another reason: the countries of the global south may go on some kind of "resource strike" like the 1973 oil embargo by middle east countries against the US. that is, they might stop selling valuable resources like oil, or minerals such as lithium, and thereby create demand in the rich countries for these products.

Reasons why corporations WILL succeed in the next ten years

in a world where economic growth is occurring very slowly, the people of the rich countries will not want to give money to people in the developing countries. they will instead complain about a lack of jobs and how much education costs. if this climate debt argument had happened before the 2008 crisis, maybe there would have been more money around.

racism: the people with the most money in the global north are still generally racist towards people in other countries who are non-white. they do not see these people as fellow human beings in large enough numbers to justify giving them all the money necessary for climate change.

media: Americans see very little of the rest of the world. most americans don't travel. most americans don't know another language. they simply are ignorant of what's happening in the global south. the media purposely doesn't allow americans to see what's happening in other parts of the world, where people are affected by climate disasters.

lack of artist and celebrity attention: people in the global north worship money, not talent. the number of artists and musicians and athletes who care about these issues is very small. americans don't see their "heroes" caring about any of these issues -- so why should they?

selfish leaders - as we see with "disaster capitalism," many people in leadership positions in the global north are in it for the money and for short-term profit. even if people did unite together and demand payments for climate debt, the leaders wont' allow it because they have the most to lose, since they hold the cards to wealth and power in the culture.

Links on blog:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CATW Sample Paragraph: Exercise

Because I see many people in other country become sick from eating unsafe food while I hear less about our country get sick from food, I think America can be the place to be safe to eat from. Therefore Americans have the safest food in the world.

CATW Practice Exam

Promoting Lotteries: Is It Right To Encourage Gambling?
William Pride, “The Writers’ Selection, Kathleen McWHorter, 2nd edition, 2000
Lotteries are not a recent phenomenon in the United States. Holding a lottery financed the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia in 1612. In 1894, the last lottery shut down, and lotteries remained illegal until 1964. As states began exploring ways of raising money without raising taxes, lotteries recaptured their appeal and their legal status.
Given that the odds of winning the top prize in a state lottery are extremely small, 1 in 12 million, why do millions of people line up to spend a hard-earned $22 billion a year in lottery tickets? They take a chance because the fantasy of getting rich quick is so appealing. To make that fantasy seem real, state governments spend almost $300 million a year on entertaining and imaginative lottery advertising.
Critics claim that most lottery advertising fails to meet the same accuracy and fairness standards required of private sector advertising. They believe it is wrong for states to encourage gambling, not only because it advances a something-for-nothing mentality, but because it is addictive. Although supporters maintain that lottery participation is voluntary, experts insist that lotteries are the most habit forming type of gambling. Pointing to statistics that low-income families spend a larger proportion of their income on tickets than other groups, opponents assert that lotteries burden the poor rather than generate revenues to help them.
At one time, cigarette and alcohol advertisers faced the question, Should advertisers protect people from themselves? Courts eventually answered yes by placing restrictions on the advertising of those products. Lottery advertisers now face similar questions. Should governments promote a game in which the vast majority of players lose? Should states sponsor activities that adversely affect lower income people? For now states insist that they advertise a legal product in a truthful way and continue to use advertising as the main ingredient in lottery promotion.

Sample Revised CATW

Revamp the US immigration laws would be the key to calm the bad economy
situation because illegal immigrants would be able to work and help the
economy paying taxes and spend their money. The article ̈Are Illegal
Immigrants Good for the US Economy ̈ by Walter Ewing stated that even
though the legal status is a problem for illegal immigrants, they
contribute to the US economy. Undocumented immigrants are the five percent
of the all workers in the US and they help to our economy like a legal
worker or consumer. In addition if the legal situation would change for the
undocumented people that would be excellent for the economy because they
will work without the idea to be deported.

Many people usually consider illegal people as bad persons; however the
twelve million illegal immigrants in the US are very helpful to the US
economy. I believe they are important because without them we would live a
worst economy situation. The main reason why they are so important in order
to help our economy it’s because they pay taxes to the US government even
though they never will get any benefits they contribute with their money.
Also every purchase that they did is helpful, they have to buy food or pay
rents many ways how they contribute with the economy even though they are
not legal residents.

As I said before all undocumented immigrants pay federal and state income
taxes but they are not eligible for all the programs that their money help
fund. I believe that illegal taxes situation is bad because they are paying
something that they never will get it. In my point of view pay something
and get nothing is not equal or fare. Even though they are illegal
immigrants they have to receive something. May be not like a legal person
but they could receive less than legal residents. For example legal
residents are able to see dentist every 3 months, in my opinion the illegal
residents could see a dentist twice a year.

Ewing showed a 2006 study by The Texas State Comptroller in the article. It
said that illegal immigrants enhance 18 billion dollars to the state’s
economy output. Basically all the money transactions from undocumented
immigrants contribute with Texas economy and help many businesses. I agree
with Ewing because as long a resident from Texas spend his or her money in
Texas and not in other states this resident is helping many business and
workers in Texas. Even though he or she is an illegal immigrant doesn’t
matter as long he or she uses his or her money in Texas a worker would save
his job position and a business would still making profits.

What would happen with the contributions of undocumented immigrants, if
they change their legal status? Ewing believes that is still greater
because he mentioned that legal workers are easier to learn job abilities
and grow up. Basically he wants to change many immigrants’ laws because he
believes that legal immigrants would help better the economy than illegals.

Yesterday when I was reading a Latino newspaper, I saw an article about a
Mexican man, he was deported, and he said that he paid his taxes every year
and he never got something from the US government but they throw him out
like peace of garbage. He also agrees with Ewing’s article because he
believes that a better legal situation would be helpful for the bad economy
situation now in the US.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Main ideas: Climate Debt

Climate Fairness/Climate Debt – Eco Justice for Poorer Nations

July 13, 2009 By

 “Worldwide, less than 8% of folks are responsible for 50% of emissions”, according to Professor Stephen Pacala of Princeton, co-author of Stabilization Wedges.

This group has a higher annual income than even the average American. But the US has the highest per-capita energy consumption rate of any nation, out-consuming the five most populated nations combined. Quite recent studies have confirmed what many already knew: that more affluent people consume more energy, and generate more green house gas (ghg) emissions. Thus, making significant cuts in ghg (to slow warming trends and mitigate climate change) without big cuts in this group’s ghg emissions is a major challenge.

The impact of greenhouse gases on global warming in the short term, and the possibility of severe climate change in the medium to long term, promise to create significant and lasting hardships for everyone. But these hardships will fall hardest on the world’s poorest, who are the ones least responsible for ghg-induced climate change. Currently, all cap-and-trade and carbon taxing results in a flat tax on carbon usage. This will of course impact the poor the most. This reasoning has been used as a justification for not imposing carbon caps and taxes, as well as not implementing other environmental regulations–such as shifting to alternative forms of energy which, in the short term, may be more costly to low-income consumers (as opposed to cheap, but highly polluting, fuel sources like oil and coal). If you make energy more expensive to use, so the argument goes, this will inconvenience everyone to some extent, but it’ll be much less of a problem for more prosperous people.

EcoLocalizer (

Monday, November 12, 2012

critical thinking templates (in-class)


direct quotation (citation)...

The word "family" is important here (Eggers 130). According to the paragraph, Zeitoun has redefined the word family as his own. Zeitoun felt he needed to be there because of God's will, and helping people like Frank. Zeitoun didn't care about Frank's religion or race, he just wanted to help. Maybe because of his Muslim caring, he felt family was more than biological.

connecting to simliar passage

Zeitoun always used the justification of "God's will" to justify why he didnt leave the city (Eggers 110). His idea of family relates to his idea of "God's will" because being a servant of God means treating everyone as equal, as part of his family. This idea of "God's will" cuts him off from his "true" family. By "true family," I mean his biological family.

passage from another text (outside idea)

We can connect Zeitoun's Islamic idea of "caring" to the violent events after the storm.

Zeitoun was caring for others after Hurricane Katrina, and after Hurrican Sandy people came from other states as well. They also weren't related to each other, just like Zeitoun...

Agenda 11-12


1. CATW: We will go over the CATW results tomorrow in our two-hour session. If you'd like to check your CUNY First account to see if the results were posted there, please do so after class.

2. Mini-lesson


In today's hour we are going to discuss a few specific strategies for the “critical thinking” section of our writing. We can use these strategies for our CATW paragraphs, our class blogs, and our essay assignments. 


3. Let's look at a passage of Zeitoun together - maybe we can examine one that your groups selected in our previous class. Let's read it aloud and discuss summarize it together.

For the purposes of critical thinking, let's add some new strategies to the ones we learned in our previous class.
·         Close-reading of language. How can we go beyond paraphrase and “interpret” the meaning of the passage by focusing on specific words?

·         Connecting the idea to a relevant passage in the same text. How can we connect this passage with another to deepen its meaning?

·         Connecting the main idea to another text. How can we connect a main idea we’ve discovered in the passage and relate it to a relevant idea that we’ve found elsewhere?

For each of these strategies, let's write some possible sentences together as a template. 

4.  Now I'd like you try pick a new passage from Zeitoun and try out one of these strategies on your own. If you're unsure what passage to pick, I have one for you to work from. You should try to write at least three sentences. 

5. When you're done, find a partner to share it with. Maybe we can discuss one as a class. 

6. Reflection: For students that finish before the hour (including the entire class!), I'd like us to reflect on the strategy you chose, why you chose it, and whether or not you find it effective.