Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sample Revised CATW

Revamp the US immigration laws would be the key to calm the bad economy
situation because illegal immigrants would be able to work and help the
economy paying taxes and spend their money. The article ̈Are Illegal
Immigrants Good for the US Economy ̈ by Walter Ewing stated that even
though the legal status is a problem for illegal immigrants, they
contribute to the US economy. Undocumented immigrants are the five percent
of the all workers in the US and they help to our economy like a legal
worker or consumer. In addition if the legal situation would change for the
undocumented people that would be excellent for the economy because they
will work without the idea to be deported.

Many people usually consider illegal people as bad persons; however the
twelve million illegal immigrants in the US are very helpful to the US
economy. I believe they are important because without them we would live a
worst economy situation. The main reason why they are so important in order
to help our economy it’s because they pay taxes to the US government even
though they never will get any benefits they contribute with their money.
Also every purchase that they did is helpful, they have to buy food or pay
rents many ways how they contribute with the economy even though they are
not legal residents.

As I said before all undocumented immigrants pay federal and state income
taxes but they are not eligible for all the programs that their money help
fund. I believe that illegal taxes situation is bad because they are paying
something that they never will get it. In my point of view pay something
and get nothing is not equal or fare. Even though they are illegal
immigrants they have to receive something. May be not like a legal person
but they could receive less than legal residents. For example legal
residents are able to see dentist every 3 months, in my opinion the illegal
residents could see a dentist twice a year.

Ewing showed a 2006 study by The Texas State Comptroller in the article. It
said that illegal immigrants enhance 18 billion dollars to the state’s
economy output. Basically all the money transactions from undocumented
immigrants contribute with Texas economy and help many businesses. I agree
with Ewing because as long a resident from Texas spend his or her money in
Texas and not in other states this resident is helping many business and
workers in Texas. Even though he or she is an illegal immigrant doesn’t
matter as long he or she uses his or her money in Texas a worker would save
his job position and a business would still making profits.

What would happen with the contributions of undocumented immigrants, if
they change their legal status? Ewing believes that is still greater
because he mentioned that legal workers are easier to learn job abilities
and grow up. Basically he wants to change many immigrants’ laws because he
believes that legal immigrants would help better the economy than illegals.

Yesterday when I was reading a Latino newspaper, I saw an article about a
Mexican man, he was deported, and he said that he paid his taxes every year
and he never got something from the US government but they throw him out
like peace of garbage. He also agrees with Ewing’s article because he
believes that a better legal situation would be helpful for the bad economy
situation now in the US.

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