Thursday, September 20, 2012

Professor Answers to Chat and Write

1. My week has been alright. I've been reading and writing research for an article I'm writing on nineteenth century food riots. I've felt a little "sniffly" the past day or so - I need to take some vitamins!

2. My week with ENG 101 has been fine. I enjoyed seeing students write their first blogs. It's been easy to update the website and start following students on Twitter. I have missed teaching in the classroom, though, and I wonder if students are confused by this missing week.

3. I thought the student conversation on Thursday from the Global Warming Reader was impressive. Students were energetic and made some very smart observations.

4. I've had an easy time keeping up with my own blogs for this class; I wonder if students have figured out how to "publish" their blogs.

5. The biggest challenge so far is this crazy schedule. I understand we had be away on Monday and Tuesday, but I do feel like that interrupted the rhythm we had started to develop. 

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